Friday, February 5, 2010

Toyota Recall, Obama Budget: Week in Review

Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Toyota Motor Corp.’s recalls of vehicles that may cause sudden acceleration and President Barack Obama’s proposed $3.8 trillion budget lead a review of the week’s stories on

Click here for a special report on Toyota’s recall crisis. The world’s largest automaker has lost almost $34 billion in market value after recalls approached 8 million vehicles worldwide. Select the VIDEO tab above for coverage and analysis on Bloomberg Television.

Obama offered a budget that calls for $1.9 trillion of increased taxes on businesses and the wealthiest Americans over the next decade. Read more on the fiscal 2011 budget.

The most-read story on was an interactive graphic analysis previewing the U.S. government’s annual revision to employment figures. The revisions increased the number of jobs lost in the recession to 8.4 million.

Bloomberg BusinessWeek’s cover story, AT&T’s iPhone Mess, examines the consumer rebellion at Ma Bell after Apple Inc.’s handset swamped the phone company’s data network.


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